Mr. Joseph Hightower is known foreign and domestic for having among the highest standards of professional integrity and ethics in the general community for proprietary help-desk support as well as a keen eye for deception and anti-trust.

The success, continuation and enhancement of Mr. Joseph Hightower and excellent reputation is essential to the economic vitality, particularly Mr. Joseph Hightower has given his time and support in providing dedicated services and one of a kind executive consultation to consumers and merchants abroad.

My reputation is tested every day based upon what I do and how I respond and react to everyday business obstacles, in a word nobody not even I am perfect. What I value are: People, Results and Excellence. I act with Honesty, Integrity and Personal Accountability.

These are universal standards, applicable to any company executive and business to consumer service globally. In all cases, your commitment to these values will guide customer and business to the proper result when negotiating or acquiring business with me or through me.

Your actual adherence to these standards of conduct must be demonstrated and evident in all of your business dealings and relationships whether they be through a verbal agreement or through a service level agreement including but not limited to licensed private institutions, merchants,  the general public, suppliers, alliance partners, regulators, competitors or each other. Failure to comply with these standards places your company in liability if presented by Mr. Joseph Hightower to a competent counsel or civil authority. My only action is to advise you and to carry yourself in a professional manner when interacting with Mr. Joseph Hightower.


In closing Mr. Joseph Hightower does not like to be part of confusion, drama or false intentions, if you can not be honest with Mr. Joseph Hightower Have a nice day. Mr. Joseph Hightower has better things to do than to quarrel or beg for support or your business.

I am called upon in the course of my duties to represent many fiduciary dealings with private equity and other outside organizations. Regardless of the identity of the individuals, equities or organizations with whom I interact, you should always adhere to the following standards when making a statement or opinion about my overall moral character, business offering or professional competency:

Never make misrepresentations or dishonest statements or statements intended to mislead, sabotage or misinform. If it appears that anything you have said has been misunderstood or if you have made an incorrect or defamatory statement, correct it promptly.

My Services are provided to:

Public Figures | Small Businesses | Medium Sized Businesses | Large Businesses and Corporations | Private Sector | Non-Profit 501(c)

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